
Roland JV-1080 Patches Soundset

Compatible with: JV-1010, JV-1080, JV-2080, XP-30, XP-50, XP-60, XP-80, XV-88, XV-2020, XV-3080, XV-5050, XV-5080.

Before i start: If you’re looking for pianos, rhodes, clavis, saxophones, brass, harmonicas or a lucky man preset, you’re not going to find them in this set, that’s for sure. 🙂

Ok! Here it is folks!! After so many requests the set is out. 128 patches total, and best of all, no expansion cards are necessary for this soundset! So how does it sound? In short it’s a mixture of some analog style, classic digital and atmospheric patches. The demo itself took me 3 weeks, so i hope you check every bit of it. There are 97 patches in it which is why it takes so much time! If you still have any questions feel free to ask but i believe the patches will speak for themselves. Believe or not, but the fastest way to see everything in the demo is to pick a day and dedicate 40 minutes for the whole thing. Because if you plan to constantly jump over the Youtube progress bar trying to grab as much as possible in least amount of time, you will miss a lot of cool patches and in the end it might even take you longer than what the actual demo lasts! So, calm down, sit back, relax and enjoy the demo from start to finish! I recommend watching it in full screen:

Patch List
When programming this soundset I’ve tried to cover as much areas as i could. These should be enough for everyone, minus what i’ve mentioned in the intro of this page. :o) To give you an idea of the content i’m also providing a patch list. Some of the names are abstract, but many are on the point i.e. D-50 Fanta is obviously a reference and emulation of a D-50 patch, and so on. When emulating i go beyond selecting “the right waveform”, but more concentrate on the frequency spectra and performance of the original machine then try to replicate that in the patch. Same can be noticed with couple of hybrid emulations i did in this soundset such as Prophet VS, Kawai and Ensoniq patches. I have privilege to own original machines which makes things easier to clone on a 1080 (well, at least that much how its engine allows me to).

We accept PayPal only for two reasons: 1) You are protected 2) We are protected. As soon as the payment has been cleared, by manual process we will provide you a download link to your registered PayPal email address. PLEASE don’t send us questions “just paid, where is my order?”. As we’ve explained, orders are processed manually, which means we might not be at the computer at exact same moment. In order to purchase, just click Buy Now button and you will be forwarded to the PayPal Site. Your order is 100% secure and covered by PayPal Buyer Protection!

Download: As soon as the payment has been cleared by PayPal, a download link will be sent to your registered PayPal email address. I specifically say cleared payment, because that is not instant moment when you press buy it button. So please, be patient.

How to upload patches into your synth: Please read here.

JV1080 DonSolaris Soundset1
33.00 EUR

Comments (142)

  1. Hans Laubreiter

    Hey Don,

    i have to write this comment just to tell you how much I appreciate and respect your programming skills – without a doubt there’s lots of experience in it.. I’m into synths too but this is deep – glad that there is someone bringing up top quality in times of fast mass consumption. I’m sold (after being trance-hypnotized by the video-clip.. ;-))
    Love the antithesis in this project concerning the retro analog hype… in the right hands these machines rock!!
    Thanks for your efford – and keep up the quality!! 1++

    Best, Hans

    • Don Solaris

      Thank you for your kind words! I did try to push the envelope a bit and go one step beyond the usual set of bread and butter programs. Because this machine allows it to, i’ve said to myself, hey let’s do it – it might take a little bit longer but it will be worth the trouble. And also to show all of the people who sold their 1080 thinking it’s outdated, that they were wrong. Bottom line: With so much features under the hood, this synth will never get old.

  2. Ged Leitch

    When I bought this module I was a bit worried It could not do fat basses or Analog style pads/strings – After getting this soundset I realise I was wrong.
    I can honestly say these patches are absolutely fantastic, I am totally in awe of the range of sounds offered here the VS and Ensoniq patches in particular are simply stunning as are the unashamedly fat Basses.The ethereal & ambient Pads will come in Handy for the Video game score work I do. Thank you for your hard work Don I salute you ! I am slowly becoming a hardware convert!

    • Don Solaris

      Wow! Thanks for the positive vibe! I am in the middle of the work for the JD soundset so i’m focused there and kinda forgot about this soundset. 😀 As of hardware, well yeah there are some cool boxes out there – Super JV being one of them. Just like there’s also a ton of great software. I use both.

  3. gioacchino

    Hi, excuse my bad english. In that way the sounds can be loaded in to the jv1080?

      • Tom G

        Great set of sounds, totally transformed my JV 1080, and I haven’t had time to properly dig in and explore them all.

        Can you advise re real-time modulation options via MIDI cc’s? I’m conscious that the 1080 allows this but that it’s defined within the preset… have you built this in to any of the sounds and if so which CCs should I be tweaking?


        • Don Solaris

          Hello, thank you for your comment! At this point I do not have plans to build additional MIDI CC’s on top of existing ones (mod wheel and velocity).

  4. Max

    Hi Don,

    I’m about to buy a second hand Roland XV-5050 and I’m interested in this patches soundset. I’ve seen that the 5050 has a 128 user preset area, that are blank by factory default. Can I load your 128 patches into this area, so none of the original presets are erased? Thank you very much!

  5. I was so interested in this soundset that I bought a JV1080 and the moment that I got it I purchased the soundset from Don Solaris. After a little hassle with getting the .sysex files on the machine (don`t use a usb to midi cable) it worked like a charm. I tried all presets and there are some great sounds in there that I will definitly use in my new tracks from now on. I especially like the basses (try using different velocities) and all the ambient/space sounds this is great stuff! So I would like to see a part 2 in the future because compared to other soundsets for the JV1080 this is the absolute best you can get!

  6. Absolutely fantastic soundset, that shows what a beautiful and powerful machine the JV 1080 is even today, or should I say, ‘especially’ today!?!!
    Some fantastic basses, really original analog interpratations, and “Aural Exciter” immediately made it into my top5 of ‘Best Pad Sounds ever’. If you own a JV, this soundset is a must have!
    Thank you very much for the fine work, Don Solaris!
    Greetings From Berlin

  7. Eric

    Hello Don,

    Thank you for this wonderful sounds for my JV1080 🙂
    Love the analog patches, reaaaaaaaally inspiring. And Now I’m waiting for a part II Set as “Analog Dreaming”. I’m sure ther is a BIG Market for that !!
    Please, I know you can do it:-)
    Thank you:-)

    Eric, from France.

  8. Poumtschak

    Just loaded the soundset on my XP-50. Sounds great, excellent basses and evolving pads, interesting modulations. Makes me want to sequence with the good old Roland alone, again, like I used to 20 years ago.
    If only it had assignables outs for external fx. 🙁

    Anyways, patch 49 ChoralEchoes is dead silent on my synth. Am I the only one ?

    Don, I can provide you with the soundset in SVD format, which would allow XP-50/60/80 owners to load the sounds without the need of a computer or a SysEx capable sequencer. Just let me know.
    Keep up the good work!



    • Don Solaris

      Hi! I don’t distribute SVD format since 90% of ppl no longer use/have floppies. Patch 49 ChoralEchoes works perfect in XP-50. I just tested it. Sorry for the issue, but it ain’t my fault. In case you want to verify the file i sent you isn’t corrupt, simply go here: – and it should give you 5C21F12F8CEC4E434920304F0F610CA5 at the output for my soundset. Let me know how it goes. Thanks!

      • Poumtschak

        Checksum is correct, Sir! 5c21f12f8cec4e434920304f0f610ca5
        And all the other 127 User patches are sounding okay, so I suppose there’s something wrong in my synth settings or some levels at zero. No big deal.
        I’ll dive into the Patch parameters later, still have a few brain cell wired to edit this thing quickly. Amazing after all these years.

        And who said I used floppies? Gotek rules. :p

        I’ll keep you posted.


        • Don Solaris

          Factory Reset the unit and send SYX file at half the speed.

          • Poumtschak

            Loaded the SysEx into ChangeIt! with an old 98SE/XP laptop and MOTU MIDI Flyer parallel MIDI: patch and bank dumps are 100% okay this way. Retrocomputing FTW. Thanks!

      • Synthboy

        On a XV-3080 or XV-5080 the first eight SVD-files on a smartmedia card can be accessed directly and without loading time. Simply by choosing “card” and Button A to H (1-8). That is 128×8 = 1024 user sounds so no, SVD files are not outdated 🙂

  9. roman stange

    wow. these sounds are awesome! the basses are incredible. bought them after listening to the youtube demo 3 times. some of the best pads that i have ever heard period. just spent the last few hours testing every sound. not a single bad sound. i have a lot of secret weapons, now thanks to Don Solaris, I have another in the iv-1080. Thank you.

  10. Mark Spaniel

    Don, thank you for the fabulous sound set. I stayed up much later than I should have last night because I just couldn’t stop browsing through the patches on my 1080. I will be using it in a live worship setting, and used one of your patches last night for our youth gathering. The sound was so sweet! FYI, I used the iConnectMIDI2+ to get the SysEx file into the Roland from a Mac running SysEx Librarian. Worked flawlessly. Thanks again for the amazing sounds!

  11. the Sonic Energy Authority

    Stumbled across the demo video on YouTube. Watched it in it’s entirety.
    Followed up, and purchased the patches. They are bloody marvellous.
    The JV-1080 is a underrated module, and these show it what it’s capable of.. well done sir!


  12. Alex

    Hi Don,

    are any of the patches in stereo?


  13. Joe

    What ever happened with your little teaser at the end of the video?

    • Don Solaris

      LOL! It was a random unknown vid just for fun, so that you don’t stare at the boring text. Vid is not even mine. :o)

      • Joe

        ah, got my hopes up for more jd990 patches now i feel stupid for a whole year ;;

        • Don Solaris

          LOL! Wut? I think you mixed my video with someone else’s. My video does not end with anything related to JD990. Feel free to click on it. It’s right above. Cheers!!!

          • Joe

            I’m sorry I was wrong. It wasn’t the end of the video i was referring to. I hadn’t watched it for awhile but at mid way about 14:30 minutes in there is some comment about giving 64 more patches for your “jd990 sound set” to people that had already bought sound set. I was anticipating that since last year, that was just a joke?.

          • Don Solaris

            Oh that part. Hehe, nope it’s not a joke. It’s for real! But i keep it low profile, since others will have to pay for it once it gets online. (just trying to earn some cash LOL!) However those who bought the first JD990 soundset are getting it for free, as i promised in the video. JD990 demos are complete but i still didn’t built a video. I’m upgrading to 16GB of RAM and moving from 2 to 6 core. This should speed up things a bit. Because doing first vid was real pain. CPU arrived but still awaiting for the RAM. Then i’ll do the vid, and then the soundset will be sent out. So if you bought the first JD990, you can consider yourself a lucky bastard now! But please give me some time. The vid must be perfect!

  14. Joe

    Ah ok great. I did indeed buy it back in 2014 🙂
    I was trying to be vague in case people didn’t know cause you only mention in small place, but i was way too confusing haha….

  15. Ef

    What simply blows my mind is that a synth made over 20 years ago still not only has incredible utility, but also programmable spaces within it that have yet to be systematically explored and categorized. In other words – this is the best set of patches I’ve heard for the 1080 yet. It is like the best of the best (for my taste) of the best expansion cards, which are running close to $100 a pop nowadays. For the price, this is a no brainer.

    MOTU Express XT w. SysEx Librarian worked perfectly.


  16. Jaime

    Hi. These patches works with the Roland MC-909? I think that de MC-909 it’s like a XV-5080

  17. Hej!

    So, this fantastic soundset will NOT work with my JV-80?
    Have you got anything else that will?


    Michael in Sweden

  18. Jonathan

    Hey Don,
    recently I’ve purchased the jd-990 soundest! Hopefully you are going to make second editions of the JV and the JD soundest, they’re just great

  19. Friendly greetings Don!

    Thank you for sharing your in-depth synth observations and opinions on your site. I’ve been referring to it more lately. These are cool sounds you’ve designed!

    Is it possible to import your patches soundset into an Integra-7? I didn’t seem mention of them being compatible. In fact, I can’t find anything in the Integra-7 manual that would suggest I can import classic banks of JV-1080 user sounds into it, but in this article: you did mention “now we have the Integra, which continues where XV series left, maintaining full compatibility and architecture of the Super JV.” which compelled me to ask.

  20. jeb luger

    were the drums in the demo done with the jv 1080 as well?

    • Don Solaris

      Watch the vid.

      • jeb luger

        I’ll take that as a no

        • Don Solaris

          Sorry. I thought someone was trolling me. Because absolutely everything is explicitly written in the video. Every single recording is detailed, what is it’s content, which patches it contains, where the drums originate and so on. To answer original question, yes all the drums come from stock JV-1080. I did not use any expansion cards or external samplers.

      • jeb luger

        Is the JV-1080 custom set included in the soundset?

        • Don Solaris

          Actually no because it was never finished. It contains just a dozen custom drums that are spread over keyboard, set to different outputs, really messy to work with, even for myself when i got back to it after a few months.

  21. Paul

    Hello, I have come across many of your posts and still confused. Simply put, can the integra 7 reach the lush character of the 990, or even close (how close- just a few basic examples) its actually the 800 character I am after. I am considering the integra or 990, just afraid of something so old at this point. If so are your 1080 patches compatible with the integra if I purchase them. Any suggestions appreciated. I’m new to the game but technically able to understand. Integra apparently has 800 waveforms.


    • Don Solaris

      Not sure who you’re asking. But I don’t have Integra.

      • Paul

        Hi , thanks for the reply

        I was hoping for some deeper insight since you know these modules well

        The integra is apparently based on 1080 and carries dna all the way up to 5080

        Can these suffice to be like 800/990 in lush character, or nothing compares and I have to find one used?

        thanks again , appreciate your reply.

        • Don Solaris

          I don’t want to sound rude but i really don’t know how should i answer your question. I do not have Roland Integra. I can recommend asking it on the forum. There is a link to it at the top of this page. I hope someone can solve the dilemma. It is very interesting question to begin with.

          • Paul

            Not at all. Your replies are well respected! Sorry I wasn’t clear, I was referencing the integra to be predicated as a 1080 -5080 as a whole since that’s how Roland markets it ; calling it their history. So from there I was trying to determine via your expertise and hoping it could satisfy my thirst for what appears to be the 990s superior silky lush character, along with the 800 grit (or close to). Since so many of the combined waveforms are all bundled into the 7. I just don’t know if destructive compression as you referenced is the real distinction from every model beyond the 990.
            Thanks again for,your reply.

  22. Alex

    Hi Don, i bought these patches early last year and have now lost them due to a battery issue with my 2080. Is there a way to get a new download link please?

    Love the patches, and use them alot, very happy customer here!


    • Alex

      Hey Don. I still have the same email address if you’d like to cross reference it with your sales receipts. This way you can confirm I am not trying to get these patches for free.


      • Don Solaris

        Please contact me at email address that was provided in the Paypal transfer. Also send the date of purchase. Thanks!

  23. Thanks a lot for this amazing work ^^!

    we thought about selling our old JV-1010 due to not using him for a long time.
    But with your patches it sounds amazing and we will use some sounds for our next release with PLUTON – the Dark Mystic as well as COSMIC TANTRA.

    Very well done!

  24. Steve

    Wife just bought me the JV1080 sound set. I don’t know how you do it. It’s like having a brand new synth. Brilliant work.

  25. Marco

    Hi Don! The synth in the Roland MC-909 is a very similar sound engine to that of the Roland XV-5050 Module, so could I install this Roland JV-1080 Soundset Patches on it? Thank you

  26. Raymond Franklyn

    Don all I can say is wow wow wow. Fantastic changed my XV, please please can we have Vol.2. (take my money now)

  27. Rukman M

    Hi D0n,
    Do you know a method to send svd format files to xp 30


  28. Michael

    Hi Don from Australia and thanks for your good work.

    I would like to purchase this set for my XV-5050.
    I see there are some recents messages here but I want to confirm that you are still online and monitoring your paypal system regarding this ?


  29. Lasse

    Hi Don,
    Was considering buying a jv1080 after watching your video a had to grab one 🙂 Anyway I am currently reading your guide about how to upload the .syx, and the downloads for the midiox program is not working for me. But I found at working link in this article .. just wanted to let you know

  30. Cees Jolmers

    Hi Don, Can I upload Your magnificent JV1080 patches in my Korg Triton. And YES, how do I do this.
    How can I receive Your patches? CD, USBstick, download from the internet ( after paying ofcourse ).
    Cees Jolmers, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.

  31. jonas

    hello don
    sry bout my bad english…just wanna ask if its possible to load those patches on my new lovely jv 90? thx in advise.
    greetings jonas

  32. Mike

    Can this set be loaded into the latest Roland – Cloud JV-1080 ?

  33. symeon

    Im planning to buy a 3080.. Will this Soundset be transfered to the User Banks?
    amd hpw many User Sounds does the 3080 have?

  34. symeon

    I dont see the Patches “waveseq” and “aural exciter” from the Video on the List below
    are they included as well?


    • Don Solaris

      Not sure i understand you.

      • symeon

        In your Video “Roland JV-1080 Don Solaris Soundset” is a Sound calles Waveseq starting at 29:55min
        Is this Patch also included in the Soundset u sell? cause i dont see the Name Waveseq in the Patchlist 1-128

        • Don Solaris

          Try resizing your web browser.

          • symeon

            sorry was my Mistake..just had overseen it

            I bought ur Patch Set and works well..

            Another short Question .. in your JD990 Archives is the SR-JV-04 Vintage Expansion JV patches Sysex File… Can iu use it without the Vintage Board? or is this also just for the workaround “hack” ?

          • Don Solaris

            It needs Vintage Board.

  35. Chad

    Can these be loaded into the Roland Cloud vet version of the JV1080?

  36. Walter

    Surprisingly, the sysex transferred to my JV1010 through my Roland Boutique with MIDIOX without a hitch. Excellent sounds, I can’t get enough of them!

  37. Calle

    Hello Don Solaris,

    It´s PERFECT!!! Amazing sound sets!!! Great job!! Thank you very much!! Now my JV-1080 sounds like a GREAT Powerful analog vintage !! :)))

    Could you also please sell the best sound sets in SysEx Files Library for the follow racks? :

    – Korg 03R/W
    – Korg M3R
    – Korg Wavestation SR
    – E-MU Orbit v.2
    – Yamaha TX-81Z
    – Yamaha TG-500
    – Quasimidi 309 – Rave-o-lution
    – Quasimidi Sirius.

    That it would be AMAZING and extremely cool if you have sound library in SysEx format files for sale for all those machines mentioned.

    If you don’t have that sound files, do you know where I can find?….
    Thanks for your reply.


  38. Lucas Lindblom

    How is it possible to load this bank to my xp80? after reading the manual it seems like the xp80 is not capable to recieve sysex data so is this something i can work around? And if not will i get any refund?

    All the best
    /Lucas Lindblom

  39. I am so excited for this ! Wow this is gold!
    I recently picked up a 2080 and while looking for a good voice engine vst that gave me those Art of Noise, Software vibes and I find this?! BLESS! S/O DON ! Love the story

  40. Stormy Daniel

    Yo! Just got myself a jv-1080 which was missing the advertised ‘vintage synths’ and ‘dance’ expansion cards. Was gutted when I realised I couldn’t just sysex them cos of the waveform data included so when I saw this it made me very happy. As soon as I get paid I’ll be buying ☺️

  41. EXer

    Those patches all sound the same!

    Don’t get me wrong: I know the JVs have a fully fledged and versatile synth engine under the hood, and after listening to your outstanding A4000 demos I have no doubt you’re a talented programmer who knows how to make the best out of a synth.

    Nevertheless there’s no way to hide the typical character of the Roland JV sound…

  42. Justin Levis

    Hi Don, thanks so much for your genius work, this is probably the best soundset I’ve heard! Really enjoying testing out the sounds and fitting them into some new tracks! Some patches really give me a Voyetra 8 vibe, I was surprised! And a few patches sound familiar, might be Wavestation simulations? Sold mine recently, just didn’t gel with it and maybe not quite as punchy. Cheers!

  43. Ameyah

    Hi there,

    can these to be used with the Cloud version of the JV 1080?

    on kvraudio was a converting tool posted a while ago:

    just wanted to go sure before considering buying …

  44. Ja

    Have you got a v.2.0 coming out soon 😉

    • Don Solaris

      Technically speaking – yes. However it will come out by Roland Cloud JV-1080 as i currently work for Roland. I can not comment on the release date.

      • Cilonen

        They will let you make an hardware version for us? 🙂

        • Don Solaris

          They would never sound the same as cloud version has different effects.

          • Don Ron

            Hey Don, these patches are so amazing and spot on – vibey as fuck! Question, I am about to purcase an XP 50 but not sure if it is an exact copy of the Jv 1080 which is what I originally wanted, the xp is just some dude selling it locally now so would be an easier choice. However, would love to get your soundsets and hope they work for the XP 50 as well? You also say the cloud has different FX’s…Ive been using 1080 cloud until now and love the FX as they to me play a big part of the sound design. Will I be dissapointed FX wise with the real thing? Thank you so much

          • Don Solaris

            They are the same. In fact I renamed the YouTube demo video to include the XP-50 in the title.

      • Cilonen

        Hey Don, just seen the Roland Cloud patches set and still wonder if we’ll all get a new sysex collection for our hardware… Fingers crossed 🙂

  45. Chris Strobel

    Hi Don, I don’t know if this is the right place for help with your soundsets, but I don’t see any other contact information on the site. So I just bought your JV-1080 soundset, and when I initiated the dump the JV receives it .. but after each patch during the process it says date error followed by checksum error. When it was done all your patches appear in the user bank but there is no sound. What could be going wrong here? I’m using Sysex Base on an iPad Pro hooked up to an Apogee Duet interface which has USB midi, I have a Novation SL64mkII keyboard controller that is hooked up to the Apogee Duet via USB, then I run the Novations 5pin din midi out to a Kenton Thru 12 box .. on out to about half a dozen synths including the JV-1080 with standard midi cables. I do have Midi Ox on my PC’s, but I’ve torn down all my computers and only use iPads these days .. so it’d be a major under taking to set a computer and monitor back up just to transfer a sound bank if you know what I mean. I’ve had no problem loading other sysex soundsets via Sysex Base to some of my other synths like my Dave Smith Rev2. Any ideas? Thanks

  46. I checked these presets, made an tube on my Official Youtube Channel…. I never have heard such amazing JV 1080 presets.
    Simon Le Grec

  47. Connor Reid

    I recently purchased a JV-2080 and also bought your amazing JV-1080 patches to go with it – I reset to factory settings and tried to send the patches via Sysex to the JV but no luck so far. It’s going via SENDSX to my MIDIFACE 2×2 to the JV but I’m either getting ‘system exclusive message user memory write protected’ or a checksum error.

    The settings are currently:

    Device ID Number – 17

    Rx Sys.Excl – ON

    Tx Edit Data – ON

    I also went in and turned Write Operation OFF in the ultility menu and System Exclusive Message ON. Am I doing anything wrong here? Why won’t this work?

    Also do you have a list/image of the patches? The image on this page is currently down.

  48. Jamie

    Hi Don,

    Thanks for the soundset, I purchased this about a year or 2 ago and have been loving it. Quick question, I have a memory card in my 1080 and I have managed to send all your soundset to my User section of the 1080, do you know how I can send all your patches to my memory card, thank you 🙂


  49. Konsider

    Is it possible to load these onto an XP-50 via a Gotek USB floppy emulator?

  50. These are great patches. Love them for sure. Very impressed. Your video is one of the best patch demos I have seen in a long while too. They load up perfectly in a JV20280 as well.

  51. Lian

    Hi, is it possible to convert and use the .bin version with the (hardware) JV-1080?

    • Don Solaris

      Hi! This soundset was designed for hardware modules and even if possible to convert I would not recommend it as cloud version sounds slightly different and on some patches it is quite noticeable. Some of the sounds that are in the demo would not sound the same so there would be a risk of unhappy customers. So hardware-only it is. 🙂

  52. aleksey

    Hello, I can adapt this soundset for the Fantom x family.
    specifying the wave forms.

    if you are interested – please contact me

    • Don Solaris

      Hello. At this stage I will not convert to Fantom due to different sound engine, hence risking unhappy users. JV-1080 engine and Fantom sound quite different, despite having the similar ROM set. Kind Regards!

  53. Mark

    Hey Don, just purchased your Jv1080 soundset – thank you.

    Could you please give me some advise on how to get the sounds into the 1080? I have read all the replies and also the install info – but sadly still finding it hard to get the sound into the machine.

    I have dowloaded the software and have the correct data transfer leads and the JV is set to id 17, Im getting a transfer light on the transfer lead, and waiting 5 minutes or so but cant seem to get the sounds in the machine.

    Stupid question? does the userbank have to be empty for the sounds to transfer?

    Thanks, Mark

    • Don Solaris


      And thank you for contacting me!

      To help you and others with patch transfer I have written an article that explains patch transfer in detail:

      These guidelines are a good start. For a step deeper a look into the user manual is definitely recommended. I know at first it might look confusing, but these steps are always explained in user manuals and in general will solve 100% of the problems. Here is one trick. While the user manual is usually a thick book, I always recommend using the PDF version since it allows searching for data, typically with Cmd+F or Ctrl+F.

      I must admit I am not the best service technician out there. I am a sound designer / programmer so my knowledge in the specific gear in the form of technical support is very slim. This is why I would advise consulting the user manual if some specific details are needed. JV-1080 user manual:

      Anyway please let me know if I can be of any assistance!

      Best Regards !!!!
      Don Solaris

  54. Mark

    Hi Don, thanks for the reply – sadly I still can not get the sounds into my Jv1080 🙁
    Ive tried everything about 10 times, read the guide loads of times, brought a second lead, download the software again and reset the 1080 a few times, but still cant get the sounds.

    I get a transfer light from the midi transfer lead, when it is sending the file from my mac to the 1080, but still again none of your fab sounds.

    Could the file you sent me not be working?

    Thanks, Mark

  55. major1

    I don’t have any expansion cards in my 1080, can I use the patch? Will this patch permanently overwrite the patch list on the machine itself and be unrecoverable?

    thank you master.

  56. L13

    will this work in a 1010?
    thanks and lovely work!

  57. Chris Gvitar

    Why is the patch “wavesq” in the demo but not in the patch list? I’ve even ctrl+F to find it incase I’m overlooking, but it’s not there. Is it actually in the pack and this list here is just an error? Thanks!

  58. Wesleo

    Hi Don, hope ok to drop you a line your patches sound fantastic! Was just wondering are these patches compatible with the Roland Cloud Version of the JV1080? Or is there a way to be able to convert the files so that they do?

    Best Regards & keep up the great work

  59. Pavel B.

    I just bought and tried the DonSolaris sound set on my Roland JV-1010 and I’m blown away. This is exactly what I was missing. Dark, mysterious sounds for my experimentation with ambient music. Thank you.

  60. Pavel B.

    Hello Don, do you have DonSolaris JV-1080 Patches Soundset in some TXT file or copyable text? I want to create .ins file for DAW App, but that list on your page is image. I don’t want to write all 128 instruments. Thank You. Pavel

  61. Jon Bllck

    Don–Am I correct to assume that step one is a sysex dump and save to computer of the current content of the JV before loading these patches?

    • Don Solaris

      No need. Default user bank is made of ROM factory patches. These are a little bit harder to erase. Maybe with a sledgehammer. 😀 Cheers! 🙂

      • Jon Block

        Finally! After numerous tries and tests, I have loaded the patches. They are excellent, Don.
        The best advice for a JV-2080 user was (1) the “special” midi/computer cord (I used a Roland UM-ONE) and (absolutely necessary) (2) restore factory defaults. Once the later as done, the unit took the sysex file * voila! Hope you will someday be inspired to write new patches for the Ensoniq VFX. It is, I think, rather interesting “architecture” for programming sounds.

  62. Are these patches compatible with the JV-880? Seen others claiming patches from JV-880 can be loaded into JV-2080, XV-3080, XV-5080 etc. I know the JV-880 supports the same SR-JV80 expansion cards so interested to get your opinion on patch loading compatibility from JV-880 to other JVs, XVs and vice versa. Thanks.

    • Michael Bennari

      top of the page, first sentence shows what you’re looking for.

      • Was more curious about the overall patch compatibility between JV-880 and it’s predecessors, i.e. JV-1080, JV-2080, XV-3080, XV-5080, etc. Internet seems to be devoid of this information nut full of vague statements like XV line supports all JV patches. Does that mean they support JV-880 patches as well? Since Don Solaris is one of the thought leaders surrounding these synths was hoping he or other experts might chime in. Thanks in advance.

  63. Philip

    Hi, using a jv1080 is there a way to load these sounds then save them to a 256 Roland ram card? (not sure if they would fit) and then would this card then work on another machine eg 990?

  64. Jake

    Hello! I placed an order 30 minutes ago or so and I don’t seem to have gotten my download link. No worries, I’m sure there’s not any real issue but Just curious if there is a delay normally? I know my payment should have cleared, as I recieved a receipt and confirmation of payment from paypal. Excited for the patches! Thanks!

    • Don Solaris

      At one point I had an idea to use the LARGEST font known to mankind for the chapter titled Payment on this very same page. 🙂

  65. Herb Forager

    This soundset has made me fall in love with my JV-1080 once again.
    I’m thrilled to see you took advantage of the Mod wheels capabilities with these beautiful presets.
    A lot of people fail to understand just how powerful the JV can be in the right hands; this soundset is a great example of this.
    I wish you didn’t sell your JV-1080, because a part two would have been glorious.
    Thank you for all your hard work, and your contributions over the many years.

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